The right message with the right words


“Dr. Tejeda really knows his stuff. He’s helped our company generate five times more leads for less among Hispanics than we were spending before. He’s reliable, professional, and a real pleasure to work with”.

Elton Wilcox



United States

Service Offer


Unleash the of the Hispanic Market: Tap into Their Potential with Expert Spanish Translations

I am pleased to present my expertise in translating marketing campaigns into Spanish, helping you effectively target the Hispanic Market and skyrocket your business success.

Working with an experienced professional like myself brings an array of advantages. As a native Spanish speaker with years of experience in translation and marketing localization, I have the cultural know-how and linguistic flair to ensure your message resonates with the Hispanic Market. My strategic approach goes beyond mere translation; I focus on capturing the essence of your marketing campaign, adapting it in a way that genuinely speaks to your target audience.

By partnering with my services, you can expect an array of benefits that will amplify the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. Here are just a few of the advantages you will experience:

1. Authenticity: The Hispanic Market values authenticity and responds positively to content that speaks directly to their culture. As an expert in marketing translations, I can adapt your messaging to authentically capture the cultural nuances and colloquialisms of the Hispanic audience. This ensures that they understand your message and feel a genuine connection with your brand.

2. Increased Engagement: A literal translation might stir confusion or lackluster responses, but strategic marketing translations can foster an emotional connection with your target audience, eliciting higher engagement levels. By adapting your campaign to Spanish, I will ensure that your message is understood and evokes positive emotions, encouraging the Hispanic Market to take action.

3. Expanded Reach: The Hispanic Market is growing exponentially, and by not engaging them effectively, you might be leaving behind a massive business opportunity. With my expertise in Spanish translations, you can confidently expand your reach and tap into this booming market, gaining a competitive advantage over rivals who haven’t yet recognized its potential.

We all know that words can have completely different meanings when directly translated into another language. Not only does the meaning of individual words change, but so can their context when grouped together. For example, an American would say, ‘I made a mistake’, but wouldn’t say ‘I did a mistake’.

The challenge for brands when marketing in the Hispanic Market is that by not professionally translating their communication, they risk missing nuances within the cultural context and combining sequences of words that aren’t in the correct combination. This can lead to misunderstandings and/or reflect the lack of local understanding of your brand. Communicating with real impact requires an intimate understanding of the target culture and local nuances and the ability to communicate precisely.

Let me illustrate the significance of marketing translations with a compelling example: Imagine you’re a restaurant owner looking to promote a new menu item – a spicy hot dog. A literal translation might read “hot dog caliente,” but a strategic marketing translation would adapt it as “perro caliente con un toque picante.” The latter captures the dish’s essence and infuses it with an enticing description that appeals specifically to the Hispanic audience’s unique preferences.

In conclusion, my tailored approach to marketing translations goes beyond simple words on a page. By capturing the essence of your campaigns, adapting them to resonate with the Hispanic Market culturally, and leveraging the power of emotive language, you can expect to connect with and engage the Hispanic audience on a deeper level.

Don’t let this incredible business opportunity slip away – partner with an experienced professional like myself to elevate your marketing campaigns and propel your business to new heights.

Let’s talk about how I can help you unlock the potential of the Hispanic Market. Email or text me today to schedule a consultation.

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Dr. Manuel Tejeda

Business Consultant

“Every act of communication is a miracle of translation.”

― Ken Liu